Christ went about doing good to establish the kingdom of God. We shall exercise our apostolate in several ways and bring God’s loving kindness and concern to the destitute, the jobless poor, the lonely orphan, the aged poor, the abandoned, the beggar, the disabled destitute, the homeless stranger, the sick poor, motherless, widows, lepers, deranged person, the prisoner and the children of the destitute.
Our mission is to work, guided by His Divine Majesty, to redeem His people from destitution:
b) To the sick we are nurses. c) To the aged abandoned we are helpers. d) To the poorest of the poor in our society we are fishers of men. e) To the imprisoned we are friends, provider of food and love. f) To the homeless we give shelter. g) To the naked we give clothes. h) To the troubled ones we give counsel.
i) To the jobless we provide job and train those who can learn craft to make them self reliant for the future. j) To the spiritually hungry we provide spiritual food for the soul at our Prayer session. k) To the physical and spiritual ill we provide spiritual healing – by those with the gift. l) To the dead we give burial. m) Live and work to console Christ in the destitute. n) Enable associates and other participants run the race of salvation We give ourselves as broken bread that others may taste and see that the Lord is good.